Thank God all our words are not Heard!


On one hand I can get extremely frustrated because my voice is very difficult to understand. Unless I have enough energy and I’m in a super quiet environment then is there the potential for me to be intelligible, even if I do only speak one syllable words at a time.

On the other hand some pretty hurtful, boastful, arrogant thoughts don’t have a destructive effect because either my voice gets lost in the noise of the room or the translation of my speech gets messed up. Most times I just can’t speak plain fast enough to enter the conversation. I often praise God that he saved me from myself and from my own words that didn’t get the opportunity to be heard!

“Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God.

God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few” Ecclesiastes 5:2


One Response to “Thank God all our words are not Heard!”

  1. Wendy Pedersen Says:

    I sometimes joke with the girls at work that I wish I could just spend my work day with duct tape on my mouth!

    Ecclesiastes 5:2 is a good word for me because I can sometimes be a little sassy for sure. Thanks for the reminder Scott!